Are You Waiting on God?

Are you waiting on God?  Welcome back to my blog!  Has God ever made you a promise that you read in the Bible or that He personally spoke to you?  …And then so much time has passed, and it still hasn’t happened?  Joseph in the Bible had the same experience!  God gave him dreams that his brothers and parents would bow down to him (Genesis 37:5-11).

Yet years later after faithfully serving God, he found himself unjustly in prison!  He interpreted dreams while there.  One was to a butler.  Joseph prophesied within three days that the butler’s position to serve Pharoah (the King) would be restored to him.  Joseph asked the butler to remember him to Pharoah so that he could be released from unfair imprisonment.  Guess what?  The butler forgot to mention him to Pharoah!

Do You Feel Like a Joseph?

Can you relate to Joseph?  I sure can!  My dream has been to play the piano since I was five.  In college I took piano lessons for a few months.  Then God called me out of college where I was studying music education and told me, “I’m training you My way.”  (That was His plan for me.  Others He calls to college.)  When I was 21, I wrote a song and played it at church on the keyboard.  Then I didn’t play keyboard again until I recorded my CD in 2004.  Afterwards, I stopped again for many years.

In March of this year, God showed me to play my keyboard again.  He asked me to sing to Him “Oh, Father of Jesus” by Michael Card.  I have diligently practiced the keyboard, often ten hours per week, learning my songs and “Oh, Father of Jesus.”  Yet here I find myself struggling with a weak voice, unable to sing consistently.  I keep having to cancel my singing engagements.  This has been a trial of my faith!

Our Dreams Will Come True!

If you have read Genesis chapters 37 to the end of that book, you know it all turned out well for Joseph.  He got out of prison and did indeed become the governor of Egypt.  His brothers did bow down to him.  Even his parents were under his governmental authority.  God put Joseph there to feed the hungry in the famine and preserve many lives, including those of his family.

God is going to take me out of this prison of mild laryngitis so I can minister to God with my voice and play the keyboard publicly to minister to people as well.  Like Joseph, my heart’s desire is to feed the hungry in the spiritual famine!  God will make good on His promises to me!  I just need His grace to keep trusting in faith that He will answer when the time is right!  In the meantime, He is purifying me and helping me to grow into a more mature bride of Jesus.  He is doing the same in your life!  One thing is for sure:  He cares about our suffering of patience!

I wrote a poem about waiting on God.  It is called “The Promise.”  It is #9 in my poetry booklet Journey To The Promised Land – Bride Of Jesus Ministry.  This is on my website.  Perhaps you will find it encouraging!

What promises are you waiting on God to fulfill?  Leave me a comment below or click on the conversation bubble above so I know how to join you in prayer for your answer to come!