Welcome to my blog!  What does it mean to be a bride of Jesus?  I think it is the same question as:  What does it mean to run the race to win the prize of a spiritually intimate relationship with Jesus and rule in His kingdom?  On page 134 of  A Romantic Journey With Jesus: Commentary On The Song Of Solomon – Bride Of Jesus Ministry, I wrote the following:

      Paul said he was running a race to win the prize and exhorted us to run in such a manner as to win the race and inherit the prize as well (Philippians 3:14; I Corinthians 9:24-25).  He was talking about “running the race to win the prize” of marrying and ruling with Jesus during the coming ages.  What does “running” look like?  It looks like surrender; like yielding; like crying out to Him, “Help!”  It looks like saying “yes” to the Lord when He gives us a command, even if it hurts to obey, even if it means suffering for a season because we didn’t get our selfish way or personal preferences.  It looks like spending intimate time with Him, LETTING HIM LOVE US until our hearts and souls are overflowing with His love.  It looks like seeking Him daily, through reading the Bible and talking (praying) to Him.  It looks like laying aside every (ankle) weight, including needless drains on our time (activities outside of the Lord’s will) that would slow us down (Hebrews 12:1-2).  It looks like loving others, helping them meet the Savior-Bridegroom and prepare to marry Him.  It looks like being an oddball in a sinful world (John 15:18-21; 1 John 3:13).  It looks like repenting when we fail.  It looks like a romantic journey with Jesus.

What are your thoughts on what it means to be a bride of Jesus or what it means to run the race to win the prize of being close to Jesus and ruling with Him?  How can I pray for you to run this race?  Please leave a reply below or click on the conversation bubble above.:)